2015 Christian Thieneman of Trinity HS & Prospects AAU @C_Thieneman

Christian Thieneman-F 2015 Trinity High School **10/4 Update** Chris has officially committed to Marshall University (Conference USA). We are very proud of him. Deserves the best! **8/9 Update** Christian and teammate, Jay Murphy will be participating in the University of Indianapolis Elite Camp next month. He is also receiving interest from Hillsdale College (MI). **Update** Christian receives a scholarship offer from Bellarmine University this week. List now includes Air Force, NKU, University of Indianapolis and Bellarmine University. Well deserved! http://www.courier-journal.com/story/sports/recruiting/2014/07/11/bellarmine-basketball-team- offers-three-louisville-high-schoolers/12530959/ Donald Yaste story from PrepHoopsKentucky.com: http://www.prephoopskentucky.com/news_article/show/433574?referrer_id=1364828