
Showing posts from June 11, 2013

Louisville Prospects Coach Kenton Aubrey-2016 #ProspectsAAU @Kaubrey25_

**7/16 Update** Coach Kenton Aubrey will assume coaching duties as well as his other administrative duties within the organization. Great to have him back on the sideline! Good young coach! **Update   6/27** Coach Aubrey will be working Tom Creans Camps at Indiana University. Coach is a hard worker. *6/22* Michigan State's Tom Izzo and our Coach Kenton Aubrey-2013 MSU camp *6/18* Coach Aubrey was selected/asked to work the Michigan State's Tom Izzo camp for another week. Congratulations!! *6/16* Coach Aubrey left today to work the Michigan State's Coach Tom Izzo' camp. Prior to him leaving he helped evaluate players that were participating in the Derek Smith Shootout here in Louisville. Coach Aubrey has had a great spring and early summer...we look forward to a strong NCAA July evaluation period with our 17U's. This AAU season he has experienced head coaching, establishing his relationships with the focus on mentoring and teaching