#Kentucky c/o 2019 Senior (boys) All-Stars for 21st Annual Battle of the Bridges Roster @teamhoopsdotcom

c/o 2019 Senior Boys All-Stars
#Kentucky win 84-81

Jamil Hardaway  6'4 (F) [Trinity]
Maurice Tolley  5'11 (G) [Butler]
David Johnson  6'4 (G) [Trinity] 
Ahmed Mahmoud  6'7 (F) [Glasgow Christian Academy] 
Jacob Hobbs 6'8 (W) [Central Hardin] 
Cade Cawley 6' (PG) [Holy Cross] 
Sam Padgett 6'8 (C) [Atherton] 
Jacob Seawright 6'2 (SG) [Spencer Co. 
Zak Perdew 6' (PG) [Bullitt East] c/o 2020 
Hunter Brogan 6'4 (W) [Bullitt East] c/o 2020 
Sam Bearden 6'5 (F) [Holy Cross] c/o 2020 
Trey James 6'10 (C) [Sheldon Clark] c/o 2021 


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